Expert Tiers
There are three tiers of experts. As a brand, you want to build your expert base by elevating them through to the highest tier. ExpertVoice does this by building brand experts through education and product seeding. The three tiers of experts are as follows:
1. Category expert
The category expert is affiliated with one or more expert groups and has experience in these fields. Their recommendations have some strength and reach but have room for growth.
2. Brand expert
These experts have brand and product knowledge. They have been on the ExpertVoice platform, gone through brand and product lessons and are certified with these brands. Brand experts know what to recommend when it comes to brands and products.
3. Elite expert
The highest tier of experts. Elite experts best know their field, brands and products. These elite experts are brand advocates. They love sharing their knowledge and experience, they are certified on many brands and know what they’re talking about. They're most powerful when influencing purchases.