New Updates for Brands with E-commerce Advocacy

New Updates to E-commerce Advocacy

What it is: Brands can now syndicate recommendations published by experts with private profiles to the ExpertVoice Recommendation Display on their e-commerce site.

Who this impacts: Brands who have access to the E-commerce Advocacy Solution. These new features will automatically appear in the Review Manager (Reviews) of the Advocacy Platform.

Why it matters: Brands may now have more recommendations available for them to manually curate or auto-curate in the Review Manager.

How they will look: When you syndicate a recommendation from an expert with a private profile, the review will only show their first name and last initial and hide the affiliation. When you syndicate a recommendation from an expert with a public profile, the review will show their full name and affiliation.

Where you can find it:

  1. In the Review Manager (Reviews), brands can:
    • Manually approve, flag, or decline recommendations from experts with a private profile. The Private Profile is represented by an icon of a user with a hat and sunglasses.
    • You can filter out recommendations from experts with a private profile and only show recommendations from experts with a public profile. To do so, select “Public Profile” in the Show Only section of the left-hand main menu.
  2. In the Automation tab, brands can:
    • Select to auto-approve only recommendations from experts with public profiles in the "Required attributes" section. Experts with private profiles will not be syndicated. The default setting is unchecked for this option.
  3. In the By Product tab, brands can select any product to see the status of the recommendations automatically approved or manually approved for that product. Recommendations from experts with private profiles will appear here with the icon of a user with a hat and sunglasses.

For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


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