ExpertVoice culture on display in late 2019

ExpertVoice News



I am frequently asked, “what is the culture like at ExpertVoice?” After years of struggling to put it into words, I now realize that culture is a feeling, a sensation, an energy. ExpertVoice is a special place and anyone who works here knows that.


We don’t have values written on a wall (although we do have one large neon sign), but most of us know that we are radically helpful to each other, our clients, our experts, our community and the world. You will be hard-pressed to find someone trying to solve a problem without the assistance of several colleagues. We lean in. We lend a helping hand. We give back.


We recently participated in the Project Homelessness Connect volunteer day here in Salt Lake City. We had a number of employees spend time helping individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness receive basic services like medical and dental care, haircuts and employment assistance. As a whole, our staff’s willingness to lean in and lend a helping hand expands beyond these walls, and it most definitely helps to shape our culture inside of them.


We are playful. We don't take ourselves too seriously and there is a lot of laughter. It is common for us to poke fun at each other and ourselves. At this year’s annual Halloween celebration, employees were all-in (as usual). It was a zoo (CS Team), we played some Mario Kart (Product), experienced both the Light Side and the Dark Side, explored the wizarding world of Harry Potter (Finance) and had a visit from 101 Dalmatians (Marketing). Having fun is imperative to our culture and laughing with our colleagues never gets old.


ExpertVoice is something different to each and every one of us. We all contribute to the fabric of our culture and make it special. The golden thread is the connection we have to each other. Either through helpfulness or playfulness or something else, we are all in this together and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


CS Zoo
Product Mario Kart
Expert Success Halloween
Finance Harry Potter Halloween
Marketing Dalmatians

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