How to add your Advocacy Marketing Certification to LinkedIn
How to add your Advocacy Marketing Certification to LinkedIn
By Shannon May
Product Marketing Manager at ExpertVoice
May 19, 2021

How to add your Advocacy Marketing Certification to LinkedIn
The Advocacy Best Practices include six on-demand educational courses and a workbook.
After completing our best practices, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to manage an effective advocacy marketing program on ExpertVoice — and rewarded with a LinkedIn certification to prove it. In this post, you'll learn about two ways you can share your digital certification to LinkedIn.
Add it to your LinkedIn Licenses & certifications
If you'd like to display your certification on your LinkedIn profile page, follow the steps below. Adding your certification to this section of your profile requires some manual entry of information.
- Sign in to LinkedIn using your credentials.
- Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
- Click View profile.
- If you've previously added a certificate, scroll down to the Licenses and Certifications section and click the "+" to add a new one.
- If you've never added a certification, you'll first want to add a Licenses and Certifications section. On your profile page, click Add profile section in your introduction section. Under the Background dropdown, click Licenses & certifications.
- Under Name, insert this text into the text box: ExpertVoice Advocacy Marketing Best Practices Certification
- Under Issuing Organization, type in ExpertVoice and then select our company and populate the ExpertVoice logo next to the certification on your profile.
- Ensure This credential does not expire is check-marked.
- Leave Credential ID blank.
- For the Credential URL, add the webpage link to your personal certification provided by your Account Executive.
- Click Save.
- From your LinkedIn profile, navigate to the Licenses & certifications section to view your ExpertVoice certification.
Share your certification as a LinkedIn post
After you create a post, it will appear to your connections in your LinkedIn newsfeed.
- Sign in to LinkedIn using your credentials and go to your feed.
- Click the dialog box at the top of the page that says Start a post.
- Add text to your post to provide context around the certification or personal commentary and then click Post.
- Example copy: Thrilled to have received my certification in the Best Practices of Advocacy Marketing from @ExpertVoice and can't wait to start leveraging the power of advocacy to grow my brand. [Insert the URL for your certification here]
For more information, please contact your Account Executive.
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