The Advocacy Platform has been in market for a couple of months and we are excited to share a new update about the products app. This update brings three new features to improve the management of product recommendations.
- Improved Sorting:The page layout has changed allowing for the ability to sort by likelihood to recommend, highest number of recommendations, recommendations with comments, recommendations with images, and alphabetical by product name.
- Search:You can now search for common terms within all recommendations for a single product. For example, if you wanted to view all recommendations for a product that discuss sizing concerns, you could simply type “size.”
- Improved Viewing Experience:Now when you click on a product, it immediately loads a page with the full recommendation (as opposed to a small preview window). You may also notice that when you close out of the product, the app now bookmarks where you were so you don’t need to resume scrolling from the start.
If your brand hasn’t had a chance to get acquainted with the new tools and benefits offered by the Advocacy Platform, please reach out to your Client Success manager for a quick tour and read the great post by our CTO, Greg Cox to learn more.
And while reading the recommendations from experts is interesting, imagine how cool it would be to deploy these recommendations within your own ecommerce channel… Good news, that day is coming! Our team is currently developing a widget that would allow brands to feature recommendations with the expert’s credentials directly at the point of purchase. As we get ready to launch this new feature, we would love to pilot it with a few brands and are looking for your insights in this quick 3 minute survey. Thanks in advance for your input. We plan to share initial results of our alpha test at the ExpertVoice partner summit, the Expert Effect, on June 10-12.
P.S. Additionally, you can now access the Advocacy Platform straight from, click on your avatar and select “Advocacy Platform.” You can also continue to reach the Advocacy Platform directly at